Friday, March 25, 2011


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6

So this past week has been crazy. I ended up not going to church last Sabbath even though I had every intention of going. This week I've been sick and nervous about going to the Dr to get tests and results done to see what is going on with the chest pain and shortness of breathe I've been having. I've been asking all of my friends to pray for me because I was so anxious and had been feeling so sick. I finally went and after hours of testing all the tests came out negative. So instead of praising God for helping me. I began to question him and be filled with doubt because it seems that all my symptoms are getting worse and no Dr can find whats wrong with me. It's a very scary thing for me. Then tonight I went to fusion. And it made me realize something, that everyone is praying for me but I wasn't praying myself. I mean Jesus is the Doctor of all doctors. He's my healer. The answer to my prayers (had I prayed) was the most obvious. So this week i'm going to devote myself to prayer for the Lord to do his well with not only my physical health but with my spiritual health too. What about you my dear readers (all 4 of you) what blessing, miracles, answers are you missing out on because you aren't praying to God? I leave you with the words of this hymn they sang tonight.

What a friend we have in Jesus,
all our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Can we find a friend so faithful
who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our every weakness;
take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Savior, still our refuge;
take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer!
In his arms he'll take and shield thee;
thou wilt find a solace there.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


So today i'm taking a break and enjoying my Sabbath. I'm not sure what's going on with me lately but I seem to be struggling with my sleep pattern. It's either I sleep all day and all night or i'm exhausted and can't sleep. Any ideas on what to do? Ugh no matter what though I will be go to church today! Today I went for my eye exam and my vision got a little worse (2.50/2.75 to 2.75/3.00) but I got new contacts and hopefully be able to order glasses soon. Also today I opened my mom a facebook... scary I know! Oh well I hope everyone enjoys their Sabbath!

nite nite

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 9

Seeing how I had a rather uneventful day I've decided to do something a little different today. I'm going to thank 21 people who have in some way help shape who I am today.

So today I'm thankful for...
  1. Cindia the sister I never had... thank you for always being here for me no matter what.
  2. My mom who never stops praying for me.
  3. Ivonne for all the late nights talking to help me during the dark ages.
  4. Lilly who constantly makes me laugh and for making some of my dreams come true.
  5. Ileana for never giving up on me and seeing my potential.
  6. Jose "nonino" for being the best big brother and loving me.
  7. My dad for spoiling me :)
  8. Joel who with him there's never a boring moment.
  9. Andres who showed me child-like faith.
  10. Rob for that pencil lol and for always playing games.
  11. S.O.L for teaching me patience.
  12. Elena who always hugs me.
  13. Mrs. Miller for teaching me tough love.
  14. Dalila for always motivating me to do more.
  15. My "teens" for making me want to be a better teacher and christian.
  16. Nicky who made me stronger.
  17. Henry who i can always count on when it matters.
  18. Brandon who amazes me and who's curiosity makes me think really hard.
  19. Richard who pushes my creativity and leadership skills every chance he gets.
  20. Ivette who's always honest.
  21. For a person who shall remain nameless at the moment but who has made me believe in prayer and has already changed me in ways they will never know.
wow this made me all nostalgic i'll continue the list tomorrow so check back to see if u've made it.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 8

So today hasn't been the greatest day far from it... but i'm going to try to name my 21 things...
here goes nothing..

Today I'm thankful for...
  1. I got to sleep in this morning.
  2. It's Carol's birthday!
  3. I got to play my favorite game with Lilly.
  4. My mom took me to the E.R,
  5. The Dr not finding anything serious.
  6. The beautiful spring day we had today.
  7. All the clothes on my bedroom floor although they don"t fit.
  8. My pluto thats soft and cuddly.
  9. My laptop charger came in the mail today.
  10. Porfilio who was very understanding of my little incident.
  11. Comcast helping me get my router working.
  12. Pizza!
  13. DVR... never miss a show.
  14. Finding another left contact I so needed!
  15. Skype still stay connected to people.
  16. spending a couple of nights in my room.
  17. My clothes are already ready for Sabbath.
  18. Bath & Body Works Fragrance & Shea-Infused Lounge Socks
  19. Toliet paper... need I say more.
  20. light up drum sticks
  21. God who never ceases to amaze me everyday!

Go ahead and join me if you dare...21 things for 21 days!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 7

Hooray so i've done 7 days out of 21. This little project is way harder than it looks because it forces you to look at the not always obvious things that happen in your daily life.

So today i'm thankful for...
  1. Cindia who always has such a generous heart.
  2. All the troops who are out there defending our freedom.
  3. I got to take a nap.
  4. Mangoes because they are so addicting and they are good for you.
  5. Lilly and Erika because they had incredible patience today.
  6. Baguette de France because they always make my sandwiches perfect.
  7. My mom who I got to speak to today.
  8. My sabbath school class who always makes me think.
  9. Nancy Leigh Demoss God uses her sermons to speak to women everyday.
  10. Apple valley because they have Goya products and Veggie Meat.
  11. My choice to become vegetarian it's getting easier.
  12. Water... God knew what he was doing and it was good.
  13. I got 2 major things accomplished.
  14. The light rain we had today it'll help make everything greener.
  15. Google don't know how I would do now carrying all those encyclopedia.
  16. Memories that keep me close to my loved ones though they may be gone.
  17. My licence took me long enough to get it and now can't imagine my life without it.
  18. Hand Sanitizers and Lysol helps keep the cooties away.
  19. Norah who always makes me laugh.
  20. I'm not in Japan right now i'll stick to my very boring Berrien Springs.
  21. Sleep which I plan to get some right now.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 6

So I've actually been looking forward to writing today for some odd reason so well here it is...

Today i'm thankful for...
  1. Odd jobs that i have that help me to get by.
  2. God saved me from two near fatal car accidents.
  3. Lilly is letting me borrow her charger so i can write this.
  4. Being able to spend sometime with the McArthurs today :)
  5. Not being sick yet
  6. homeopathic medication.
  7. Johnny who i got to see and speak with today.
  8. My new headphones.
  9. Hair ties if not my hair would be crazier.
  10. I got to go buy veggie meats today.
  11. Brandon who learned to write my name.
  12. Eye drops and cough drops.
  13. Spring Break!
  14. I get to sleep in tomorrow.
  15. The sudden burst of energy I got this morning and made breakfast.
  16. I got to eat creme brulee it was amazing.
  17. Q-tips I can't seem to get by without them.
  18. The sun shining more and more here in Michigan.
  19. 5 new t-shirts I got for free.
  20. Hardi downloading new music into my blackberry,
  21. For my people in CT whom i miss...
See you tomorrow.

Day 5

ok so here go my 21 things...

Today i'm thankful for...
  1. Ice cream cake
  2. Joyce Meyer the Lord speaks through her.
  3. The Lord is helping me resist temptation.
  4. Hymns... I miss singing them.
  5. I have medical insurance.
  6. I have God fearing friends that don't try to lead me astray.
  7. Carla and Trisha had a birthday!
  8. My mom never quits praying for me.
  9. I've betting feeling the need to seek Christ more everyday.
  10. i get really nice inspirational wallpapers.
  11. That Jesus is interceding for on my behalf.
  12. People who challenge my beliefs because they help me learn more.
  13. My enemies and people who mistreat me because they keep me on my knees [or rather praying :)]
  14. Got to spend time talking to my bff Cindia
  15. Netflix it's so awesome.
  16. Fruits they taste soo yummy.
  17. I can eat salt again!
  18. the news that keeps me informed.
  19. Healing that God can provide if we believe
  20. i got my laptop back!!!
  21. Jesus because he died in theory just for me.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 4?! LOL

Lately I've been very frustrated with my life.. For various health reason and just bad luck overall. Then I remembered this challenge that I started 2 years ago and I decided i'm going to go ahead and try it again. At this stage of my life I need something to keep me positive and see the amazing blessings that God gives me everyday.

21 things i'm thankful for...
  1. Life with all this tragedy of the earthquake and tsunami i'm happy that at least I have life.
  2. Friendships that outlast the distance, and time passing :)
  3. My willpower to leave secular music because even during the storms of my life I still have a song of praise in my heart.
  4. Getting everything done before Sabbath and the house looked and smelled great.
  5. It's Sabbath!
  6. Family because they are there when i need them the most.
  7. Food it smells so good today's lunch lasagna!!!
  8. Pandora that helped Brandon fall back asleep after he woke up at 5:22am to have a friendly chat with me.
  9. Duck tape that helps fix so many things I mess up.
  10. My devotional "Creative Times with God" helps me get a new perspective everyday.
  11. My youth pastor Mike who is just amazing at patience and dealing with me :)
  12. The ability to serve God in my church!
  13. Jessie, Dileny, and Meruany who have been my right hand this year.
  14. My blackberry helps me stay organized and communicated.
  15. Being able to go to the SYMC it was amazing!
  16. Big SOL who give me something useful to do on Sabbath rather than sleep.
  17. Ileana who honks everyday!!
  18. Danny came out okay out of his surgery.
  19. Grace and Forgivingness that Jesus offers.
  20. The teeniest tiniest of miracles I got to enjoy this week.
  21. Freedom of speech.
Hopefully it won't be another 2 years until I write again... YIKES!